Monday, April 6, 2009

Bond for Bab(i)es

So, The Disney Channel has been advertising the new show Special Agent OSO like mad. Of course the little TD's were dying to see it when it premiered this past weekend. Being the crazy mom that I am, I set my DVR to record the first few episodes.

So now we have been watching the few episodes I have recorded and the segment titles are killing me. I think the creators of the show must be fans of James Bond. Here's a few examples:

"A View to a Kitten" or "A View to a Book" instead of "A View to a Kill"
"The Girl with the Golden Book" instead of "The Man with the Golden Gun"
"Diamonds are for Kites" instead of "Diamonds are Forever"
"Live and Jump Rope" instead of "Live and Let Die"
"Never Say No Brushing Again" instead of "Never Say Never Again"

Even the background music is very Bond-esque. Really, do we need to be feeding our children any more subliminal messages? Don't get me wrong, we are Bond fans in this house...we have all the movies on VHS and DVD, as well as The James Bond Edition of Scene It.

It is really a cute show, and I will probably continue to let my children watch it occasionally...or more often if necessary!

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