Saturday, December 13, 2008

I am Smarter than a 1st Grader

I know, amazing, right?!? Princess TD and Little TD are outside playing with the other kids on the street. One little boy, who had a crush on her last year, asked Princess TD about her school. She told him that she doesn't have a school, that her school is here. He was completely astounded. He told her she couldn't do that. Her home can't be a school. She told him that her mommy taught her and that she had school here. He then turned to me and said, "You can't do that! There is something you don't know. (I am all preparing myself for the adult response of socialization, CPS, truancy, etc. , and he comes up with this..) There is a leaf bug!" I did my best to hold back a chuckle, and told him I was aware of the leaf bug. I then asked what he knew about the bug, and he said that it looked like a leaf. I then gave him the very few facts I know about the leaf bug. His response was, "Woooww." He then walked away. I guess I passed his "teacher" test.

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