Friday, September 5, 2008

Growing Up

Yesterday I was talking with friends about how fast our kids grow up. When we met 10 years ago, their youngest was just a couple years older than my oldest. Now they are empty nesters! Ten years ago, they were a lot like us, now they are leaders in our church. How does this happen? We don't feel any older or different. Ten years ago I wasn't married, I was working as an engineer designing heat transfer equipment, and I didn't have children. Today, I have been married for 7 1/2 years, I no longer work as an engineer, I have 2 children, and I am homeschooling! My how quickly things change. (Oh, and in case you were wondering gas prices were around $0.80/gallon for unleaded 10 years ago. Mr. TD keeps great records!)

My little ones are growing so fast too. We had lunch at one of those places with a playplace yesterday. I happened to meet another mom there who is also homeschooling her almost 5 year old son. My Little TD was about the size of her almost 5 year old! (Ok, for those of you who know us personally, this is not much of a surprise.) Princess TD is a good head taller than her best friend who is almost 6. They are not only getting tall, but they are growing up in their attitudes, behavior and everything else! I know that ultimately I do want them to grow up, leave home and be successful adults...but does it have to happen so quickly?

I recently talked to a friend who is a first time mother. She was talking about her 5 month old baby and how close to crawling they are. I so remember those days of wishing them to hit the milestones and grow. Now, looking back, I miss those days when my kids were so little. I wish I could slow down time and keep them they way they are right now and enjoy this stage for a little while longer. Ok, maybe we'll wait until Little TD is potty trained and then we'll put it on hold!

See, no matter how much I want to keep them the way they are...I am still wanting them to grow! I love these precious children, on good days and bad, and I am going to cherish every second of this season of my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN AMEN AMEN!!! That is exactly how I feel! I just wish they came with a "put on hold" button! =0) I also realize I would miss watching them grow into the next phase. Oh what to do, what to do!