I stumbled on this meme and thought it would be a good way to get back into blogging again. I know the far away family wants to know how we are doing and what we are doing.

In my life this week...
In my last post, I shared what all has been going on in our lives for the last few months. I have been overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and concern from friends and family. It is always so comforting to know that others are praying for you.
In our homeschool this week...
This week was as perfect as a homeschool week could be! Princess TD moved from carrying to borrowing in math with no difficulty...which is amazing considering the struggle we had with carrying to the hundreds place (and beyond) the previous week. She is reading like crazy and devouring all books with ease. Little TD took off with his reading/phonics lessons this week too. He is so thrilled that he is learning to read and can't wait until he's finished with the "red book" so he can get his very own library card!
Places we are going & people we are seeing...
We had a great time last week at our homeschool group park day and also at the annual Valentine's Day ice skating party. Both Princess TD and Little TD are having a blast comparing the Valentine cards they received and talking about the friends they saw.
This week we will again be headed out to park day for a fun afternoon in the warmth of the soon to be Texas spring. We will also be attending our American Heritage Girls meeting for the first time this month...the previous one was cancelled due to the icy conditions!
My favorite thing this week was...
Seeing Princess TD and Little TD light up when they figured out what they were doing. I never grow tired of that!
What's working/not working for us...
Right now, everything is working for us. We seem to have found our groove. I love our curriculum, with a few changes to fit my kids, mainly science and Bible.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
Do I need to slow down, or just let things go? Right now I am letting it ride, taking it one day at a time.