Friday, October 24, 2008

What to do, what to do?

Help! I am paper that is. I am totally at a loss about what to do with the huge amount of paper that is created by my two children! Let me explain:

We have our papers from Sunday school...

We have our papers from Tuesday Ladies class...

We have our papers from Wednesday night church...

We have our papers from school (currently I am keeping these in a 3-ring binder to record the work for the grade level)...

We have at least 5 pages per day created by Princess TD and several from Little TD with random writing, pictures and notes to friends...

One or two pages per day are created with stickers on them, maybe a picture, but mostly stickers...

Needless to say, I cannot keep every single piece of paper they create. We had thought about scanning them in and saving them on a thumb drive for each kid...but that requires we have a scanner - we don't. (BTW, we are currently in a research phase to determine what would be best for us. I want an all-in-one since it would help me in school, but they are large!)

So, my question to all of you is what do you do with all of your children's papers?


~Erin said...

You probably don't want to hear this, but most of it goes into "file 13" or I guess the recycle bin is known as "file 14" :) I keep a VERY few. You wouldn't believe, but even at 18 months, she brings home a lot of paper. I'm sure this will get more difficult as she gets older. Good Luck!

Carly said...

I'm with Erin, I keep only some of them...the color sheets that have a few scribbles on them go bye-bye and the papers with excessive amounts of glitter get tossed. Shiloh has probably a dozen or more "arts of work" that either come home or are created here each week...I save one or two special ones from the lot. Right now the "keepers" are either displayed on the fridge, her bulletin board or in a folder in her closet. She has one picture framed in her room, and as she gets older I want to hang more of her art in the house. I think it's great for the kids to see their work in a place of importance.

JSue said...

When the girls were in private school, they would bring home several sheets every day. Depending on what it was, each page would go in one of two places...the underbed storage bin for the appropriate girl...or the trash.

As Carly stated, those pieces with just a few scribbles usually find their place in our home's "file 13"(as Erin mentioned above.) This usually includes coloring pages they bring home on Sundays.

My little 5 year old artist creates several versions of the very same picture, which she hangs (with tape) all throughout the house. Eventually, one or two of these will make it into the underbed storage crate and the others...well, you can guess which
"Rubbermaid product" these find themselves entering. It is interesting to see how she improves these drawings by adding new features each time she draws it.

When the storage crates get full, it's time to purge.

If you can't scan the pages (want to borrow my scanner for a week?), another option would be to take a snap shot of them as well. Those super special pages can be bound into a book or placed into a 12X12 scrapbook that you could save for them.

Hope that helps...

Mrs TD said...

Thanks for the comments. We do file an impressive number of them in file 13, but I have to be careful about that, so that they don't SEE them in the file!

I guess my dilemma comes in when I see the improvement in the "art" and I just want to have a way to document the cuteness of it all.