Monday, July 14, 2008
Find a Little Humor in Your Day
Friday, July 11, 2008
Customer Appreciation Day

The also offered face painting, which Princess TD immediately got in line to do. I was at the table with Little TD, and the face painter did the cow spots. She wasn't totally thrilled with them because they weren't pink (go figure), so that's why she's not smiling as much as she usually does. But it really makes the costume, don't ya think?
They also had a dairy cow there. Her name was Daisy. They had a milking demonstration and talked about where the milk comes from. How when the cow eats, about 4 days later it turns into milk. It was really cool. The kids got to see where milk comes from and got to pet the cow too! Here's a picture of the kids with Daisy.

Chick-Fil-A is so awesome! Where else can you get a quick lunch and have an educational field trip all at the same time!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Princess TD

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Do I Miss Working?
This question came to my mind again this morning when I changed the calendar to July and the realization hit me that today was my last day of work five years ago. It's been five years since I have worked as an engineer! The years are flying by faster than I would like them to pass.
Do I miss working?
Yes, some days I miss the interactions, mainly the mental ones, solving design problems and optimizing heat exchangers.
No, most days I am thrilled that I get to watch my children grow, develop and learn. There is nothing sweeter than seeing the light bulb come on when they figure something out! I am looking forward to seeing that light bulb again as we begin school in the next few weeks.
So, it's been five years since I have been an engineer and I wouldn't trade a moment of being with my children for the opportunity to design one more heat exchanger!
Oh, and just so I don't get all of you other SAHMs all in an uproar, I have been working raising my children and keeping our home, but I haven't been working as an engineer. :)