Back in March when we took our anniversary camping trip, we stopped by to visit some friends who moved to the area. We had an awesome visit and Princess TD and Little TD haven't stopped talking about Mr. James, Ms. Carole, and their kids V, JD, S, and T.
We had a great visit! They moved into their house just about a year ago, and we hadn't seen it yet. It is a beautiful home made even more beautiful by the sweet family who lives in it. Even though it had been some time since our whole families had been together, the kids just picked up right where they left off, and so did the adults. It is such a blessing to have good friends like that!
Ms. Carole taught Princess TD so much about chickens! She took her out to the coop (Mr. James did an awesome job building it) and showed her the chickens and chicks and explained how the eggs were gathered. Princess TD even gathered some eggs, and then was so proud when we got to bring some home with us! There is nothing better than farm fresh eggs! Here are a couple for comparison: the green egg, a brown egg (both from the ranch) and a store bought white egg.

Just a few short weeks after our visit, Mr. James had an accident on his dirt bike and broke his knee and leg. It was a pretty serious injury that required surgery. He experienced complications due to infection and has spent a little more than the last 2 months in the hospital. He is supposed to be going home this week. We continue to pray for him and healing. We love you Mr. James!!!
Update: As of today, June 29, Mr. James is heading home to be with his family again!!!!