Things have been crazy and busy around our house this last couple of weeks.
Princess TD lost her first tooth! We had a very busy day with our homeschool park day, grocery shopping, AHG and then for me, ladies Bible study. So, as a special treat, I took Princess TD and Little TD to the doughnut store for breakfast. OK, really we were out of milk and at our house you can't have breakfast without milk! So we sit down to eat our doughnuts, and on the third or fourth bite, Princess TD has this strange look on her face, and I just know when I see her reach into her mouth, that she lost her tooth! She was thrilled and very proud to be catching up to all of her friends who have lost teeth!

Poor girl...she's just like her mommy...her adult tooth came in behind her baby tooth, and it really doesn't look like she lost it! The tooth next to it is doing the same thing. I am just very thankful that we didn't have to get the teeth pulled (I did).
Princess TD has also joined
American Heritage Girls (AHG). This is a Christian based scouting organization. She is so excited to start earning badges. I just hope I can keep up with everything she wants to do. She is a Tenderfoot and will be in this level until she completes 3rd grade. It is a great bunch of girls and they are homeschooled as well. The leaders are great and I think we will all make some good friends in the group.

We took a field trip with our homeschool group to Dewberry Farms.

We had a great time and learned a lot about pumpkins and how they grow. Our guide was farmer Dewberry himself. I enjoyed listening to him talk about the area when he purchased the 100 acres and how he created the "farm" for kids. He explained to the curious homeschoolers about how the pumpkins grow from the flowers, showed us the start of pumpkins and pointed out the babies for us to avoid stepping on.

We all enjoyed the hayride....despite the looks on the faces!

I just had to take this picture of Justin looking out of the wagon. He was so excited and mesmerized by everything he saw on our ride. It was just so precious!
This past weekend we walked with our dear friends
the DeCarlo family in the Houston Buddy Walk. the Buddy Walk is held to raise money and awareness about Down syndrome. We had a great time and got to see many friends we haven't seen in a while. It was so great to see all the people in blue supporting the families of those in red (the participants with Down syndrome wore red shirts). It was very emotional to say the least!
Princess TD was so happy to see her friend, S, again!

The TD fam after the walk. Thanks to
Mrs. C for taking this great picture!